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Get Org IAM Policy


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

Use Get Domain Settings instead


A successful response.

  • policy object
  • details object
  • sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • creationDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the first event of the object

    on create: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the

  • resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization an object belongs to
  • userLoginMustBeDomain boolean

    the username has to end with the domain of its organization

  • isDefault boolean

    defines if the organization's admin changed the policy
