📄️ Search Applications
Returns all applications within a project, that match the query.
📄️ Create Application (API)
Create a new API client. The client id will be generated and returned in the response. Depending on the chosen configuration also a secret will be generated and returned.
📄️ Create Application (OIDC)
Create a new OIDC client. The client id will be generated and returned in the response. Depending on the chosen configuration also a secret will be returned.
📄️ Create Application (SAML)
Create a new SAML client. Returns an entity ID
📄️ Get Application By ID
Get an application of any type (OIDC, API, SAML)
📄️ Remove Application
Remove an application. It is not possible to request tokens for removed apps. Request returns an error if the application is already deactivated.
📄️ Update Application
Update the basic information of an application. This doesn't include information that are dependent on the application type (OIDC, API, SAML)
📄️ Deactivate Application
Set the state of an application to deactivated. It is not possible to request tokens for deactivated apps. Request returns an error if the application is already deactivated.
📄️ Reactivate Application
Set the state of an application to active. Request returns an error if the application is not deactivated.
📄️ Update API Application Config
Update the OIDC-specific configuration of an application.
📄️ Generate New API Client Secret
Generates a new client secret for the API application, make sure to save the response
📄️ Application History
Returns a list of changes/events that have happened on the application. It's the history of the app. Make sure to send a limit.
📄️ Create Application Key
Create a new application key, they are used for authorizing API Applications. Key details will be returned in the response, make sure to save it.
📄️ List Application Keys
Search application keys. Keys are used for authorizing API Applications.
📄️ Get Application Key By ID
Returns an application key. Keys are used for authorizing API Applications.
📄️ Delete Application Key
Remove an application key. The API application will not be able to authorize with the key anymore.
📄️ Update OIDC Application Config
Update the OIDC specific configuration of an application.
📄️ Generate New OIDC Client Secret
Generates a new client secret for the OIDC application, make sure to save the response
📄️ Update SAML Application Config
Update the SAML specific configuration of an application.