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Get Custom Login Text

Get the custom texts for the login and register UI of ZITADEL, which are configured on the organization. The text from the organization will trigger as soon as the organization is identified (organization scope or user).

Path Parameters
  • language string required
Header Parameters
  • x-zitadel-orgid string

    The default is always the organization of the requesting user. If you like to get/set a result of another organization include the header. Make sure the user has permission to access the requested data.


A successful response.

  • customText object
  • details object
  • sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • creationDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the first event of the object

    on create: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the

  • resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization an object belongs to
  • selectAccountText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • titleLinkingProcess string
  • descriptionLinkingProcess string
  • otherUser string
  • sessionStateActive string
  • sessionStateInactive string
  • userMustBeMemberOfOrg string
  • loginText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • titleLinkingProcess string
  • descriptionLinkingProcess string
  • userMustBeMemberOfOrg string
  • loginNameLabel string
  • registerButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • externalUserDescription string
  • userNamePlaceholder string
  • loginNamePlaceholder string
  • passwordText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • passwordLabel string
  • resetLinkText string
  • backButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • minLength string
  • hasUppercase string
  • hasLowercase string
  • hasNumber string
  • hasSymbol string
  • confirmation string
  • usernameChangeText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • usernameLabel string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • usernameChangeDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • initPasswordText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • codeLabel string
  • newPasswordLabel string
  • newPasswordConfirmLabel string
  • nextButtonText string
  • resendButtonText string
  • initPasswordDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • emailVerificationText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • codeLabel string
  • nextButtonText string
  • resendButtonText string
  • emailVerificationDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • loginButtonText string
  • initializeUserText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • codeLabel string
  • newPasswordLabel string
  • newPasswordConfirmLabel string
  • resendButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • initializeDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • initMfaPromptText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • otpOption string
  • u2fOption string
  • skipButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • initMfaOtpText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • descriptionOtp string
  • secretLabel string
  • codeLabel string
  • nextButtonText string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • initMfaU2fText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • tokenNameLabel string
  • notSupported string
  • registerTokenButtonText string
  • errorRetry string
  • initMfaDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • mfaProvidersText object
  • chooseOther string
  • otp string
  • u2f string
  • verifyMfaOtpText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • codeLabel string
  • nextButtonText string
  • verifyMfaU2fText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • validateTokenText string
  • notSupported string
  • errorRetry string
  • passwordlessText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • loginWithPwButtonText string
  • validateTokenButtonText string
  • notSupported string
  • errorRetry string
  • passwordChangeText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • oldPasswordLabel string
  • newPasswordLabel string
  • newPasswordConfirmLabel string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • passwordChangeDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • passwordResetDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • registrationOptionText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • userNameButtonText string
  • externalLoginDescription string
  • loginButtonText string
  • registrationUserText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • descriptionOrgRegister string
  • firstnameLabel string
  • lastnameLabel string
  • emailLabel string
  • usernameLabel string
  • languageLabel string
  • genderLabel string
  • passwordLabel string
  • passwordConfirmLabel string
  • tosAndPrivacyLabel string
  • tosConfirm string
  • tosLinkText string
  • privacyConfirm string
  • privacyLinkText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • backButtonText string
  • registrationOrgText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • orgnameLabel string
  • firstnameLabel string
  • lastnameLabel string
  • usernameLabel string
  • emailLabel string
  • passwordLabel string
  • passwordConfirmLabel string
  • tosAndPrivacyLabel string
  • tosConfirm string
  • tosLinkText string
  • privacyConfirm string
  • privacyLinkText string
  • saveButtonText string
  • linkingUserDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • externalUserNotFoundText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • linkButtonText string
  • autoRegisterButtonText string
  • tosAndPrivacyLabel string
  • tosConfirm string
  • tosLinkText string
  • privacyLinkText string
  • privacyConfirm string
  • successLoginText object
  • title string
  • autoRedirectDescription Text to describe that auto-redirect should happen after successful login
  • redirectedDescription Text to describe that the window can be closed after redirect
  • nextButtonText string
  • logoutText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • loginButtonText string
  • footerText object
  • tos string
  • privacyPolicy string
  • help string
  • supportEmail string
  • passwordlessPromptText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • descriptionInit string
  • passwordlessButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • skipButtonText string
  • passwordlessRegistrationText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • tokenNameLabel string
  • notSupported string
  • registerTokenButtonText string
  • errorRetry string
  • passwordlessRegistrationDoneText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • nextButtonText string
  • cancelButtonText string
  • descriptionClose string
  • externalRegistrationUserOverviewText object
  • title string
  • description string
  • emailLabel string
  • usernameLabel string
  • firstnameLabel string
  • lastnameLabel string
  • nicknameLabel string
  • languageLabel string
  • phoneLabel string
  • tosAndPrivacyLabel string
  • tosConfirm string
  • tosLinkText string
  • privacyLinkText string
  • backButtonText string
  • nextButtonText string
  • privacyConfirm string
  • isDefault boolean